Our history, evolution, goals

  • 1818

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    Photographic portrait carried out by Giorgio Wood.

    Antonio Giuseppe Baldassar Mattei was born in Prato January 17
    Son of Domenico Mattei, baker by trade, and Teresa Vannucchi, seamstress.

    Antonio marries Agnese Cipriani, who will bear him eight children. Emilio and Luigi, will carry on their father's business.

  • 1858
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    Establishment of the Bread, Pasta, Cantucci and Biscuit Company
    Antonio opens his own business in the historic centre of the city. At the time, the bakery produced, or "manufactured", primarily bread and pasta, in addition to confectionary products. The anise flaavoured Cantucci biscuits (prepared with bread dough), and therefore all the prosperous production of the Prato Almond Biscuits, originate from the tradition of the typical bread loaf made in Prato.

  • 1861
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    1ª ITALIAN EXPO in Florence
    Due to the entrepreneurship of this baker from Prato, the original recipes of the Prato Almond Biscuits and the Anise Cantucci were distributed outside the city limits and awarded at the Expo's of Florence (1861), London (1862), Paris (1867), Pistoia (1870) and Forlì (1871).

  • 1885

    11 January 1885, Antonio Mattei dies.
    His friend Pellegrino Artusi talks about him in "The Science in kitchen".

    Antonio Mattei Biscuit Factory | About Us | 
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    "My favorite recipe of this flatbread and of the Mantuan cake were made by that good man whom I've mentioned before, Antonio Mattei from Prato; I say good man because he had the talent of his craft and was honest and very industrious; but this good friend of mine died in the year 1885, causing me great grief."

    Pellegrino Artusi

    The last son remaining, Emilio Mattei, takes on the managment of the "Company" until 1904.

  • 1893
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    ERNESTO PANDOLFINI was born in Florence, September 29. Son of Tommaso Pandolfini and Paolina Cantagalli.

  • 1896
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  • 1904
    Antonio Mattei Biscuit Factory | About Us | 
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    APRIL 27, 1904
    Agreement between Amilio Mattei, Egisto Ciampolini and Tommaso Pandolfini.

    The transfer of ownership: from Mattei to Ciampolini & Pandolfini
    The heir Emilio manages the Mattei Factory until 1904, when he transfers the business to Egisto Ciampolini, a wheat and our merchant, the Guarantor of the transfer of ownership is friend and brother in law Tommaso Pandolfini, administrator of a Florentine mill.

    The management Ciampolini, Piccioli and Pandolfini
    Egisto Ciampolini and his wife Italia Piccioli handle the business until the Twenties. The recipe for the Brutti Buoni biscuits, still produced daily by Biscuit Factory, can be attributed to Italia Piccioli herself.

  • 1905
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    Ernesto Pandolfini, first from above and left, age 11.
  • 1912
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    ENTRANCE TO THE BISCUIT FACTORY 1912, first from left, Ernesto Pandolfini and his brother Alberto in the centre.

    Tommaso, as a widower, marries Ione Piccioli, sister of Italia Ciampolini
    Tommaso sent children Ernesto and then Alberto Pandolfini to Prato to live with his sister-in-law Italia and Egisto Ciampolini, who did not have children of their own. Both Ernesto (in 1904) and Alberto (in 1912) begin working in the family business. From the second marriage were born Olimpia and Olimpio Pandolfini.

  • 1914
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    Photographic portrait of ERNESTO PANDOLFINI, in uniform 1918, carried out by A. Massai.

    First World War
    Ernesto was very patriotic and had an excellent military career. In 1914 he was promoted Sergeant from Corporal, and in 1917 he became Sergeant Major. He fought in World War I and in 1918 was awarded with a Cross for War Merits. In a letter to his dear "aunt" Italia (to whom he owed much of his upbringing and preparation) written from Šibenik just before his indefinite leave in March 1919, he writes about his plans for the "Factory".

    "Everything is victoriously concluded! Now we must, each with regard to themselves, start over, rebuild... do you understand? However, and may this not happen in the future, before you build walls, solid foundations must be put in place such that may resist to any... Earthquake. I salute you dearly."


  • 1916
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    Antonio Mattei Biscuit Factory | About Us | 
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    NEW HEADER Antonio Mattei Company successor Egisto Ciampolini.
  • 1920
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    PAOLO EGISTO PANDOLFINI in Italia Piccioli's lap, 1921.

    January 22 1920, in the church of S. Maria Carceri, Ernesto marries Gisella Guarducci. The couple will have two children, Paolo Egisto and Maria Paola. Paolo Egisto Pandolfini was born in Prato December 25.

  • 1921
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    ERNESTO PANDOLFINI (centre) and his staff (post World War I period, 1920/1922) in the pasta processing workshop.

    Ernesto Pandolfini becomes sole proprietor of the company Antonio Mattei
    Ernesto takes on management of the company in 1920; limiting the production of bread and focusing on the production of traditional confectionary products.

    Ernesto Pandolfini holds the merit of having introduced the first machines and directed the company towards a production that was progressively becoming exclusively focused on confectionary products: Prato Almond Biscuits, Brutti Buoni, Crispy Sweet Toast, Mantovana Cake, and the creation of a now historical product, the Brioche pastry with glaceé cherries.

  • 1925

    Mattei Branch via Tosinghi 1, Florence
    A private agreement was signed in May 1925 between brothers Ernesto and Alberto for the opening of a Biscuit shop in Florence. Alberto and Olimpio manage the shop, and use the name Antonio Mattei Company of Prato Florence branch "provided that they comply with the characteristics of the original products".

  • 1938
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    PAOLO PANDOLFINI fourth from left at the counter of the Mattei Biscuit Company set up for the 1938 September festival.
  • 1950
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    RENZO GUARDUCCI (in the center) at the desk of the historic shop in via Ricasoli, next to him OLIMPIO PANDOLFINI (brother of ERNESTO) who occasionally went to help at the Mattei Biscuit Factory and to the right PAOLO PANDOLFINI.
  • 1952

    22th January Paolo marries Maria Laura Novelli in the church S. Gennaro in Pozzuoli, who will bear him four children: Francesco 1961, Marcella 1967, Elisabetta 1969, Letizia 1971.

  • 1954
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    ERNESTO PANDOLFINI with the bishop S.E. Mons. Pietro Fiordelli.

    Blessing of the new ovens
    In December 1954, Ernesto Pandolfini invites the first resident bishop of the dioceses of Prato, His Excellency Monsignor Pietro Fiordelli, to bless the new ovens installed just months before.

  • 1958
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    THE CERTIFICATE is hanging in the shop.

    Centenary of the Company
    In a letter to his friend Pio del Fiume, Ernesto Pandolfini expresses a wish in anticipation of the centenary of the foundation of the Biscuit Factory. "Do you know what honour i would like in due time? To receive in 1958, being the centenary of my company (and 54 years of my continual commitment) the Knighthood of Labour!!! Anything else is smoke!".
    His wish will be granted in 1958, June 2.

  • 1961
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    Ernesto Pandolfini dies December 24 at the age of 68
    His portrait is framed at the shop next to one of Antonio Mattei.

    Paolo Pandolfini took over the management of the Mattei Biscuit Company
    Together with Paolo, his cousin Renzo Guarducci, Gisella's nephew, remained in charge of production until the end of the 1980s.

  • 1970
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    Cooperation with Antinori
    Paolo Pandolfini had the responsibility of expanding the laboratory and the merit of initiating a productive and ongoing cooperation with one of the better-known historical wineries of Italy, that of Antinori family.

  • 1988
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    PAOLO PANDOLFINI is awarded of the "San Giuseppe" prize by Piero Bargellini.
  • 1990
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    From 1990 Paolo's children began collaborating in the family business
    First Francesco, Marcella and Elisabetta and finally Letizia, each in charge of a specific task. Francesco supervises production and deals with the suppliers of prime materials. Marcella is in charge of administration and personnel management. Elisabetta takes care of national and international relations and is in charge of social media and PR. Letizia is responsible for the workshop and the historic and photographic archives.

  • 2008
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    150th anniversary of the Biscuit Company
    In 2008 the Pandolfini family celebrated, together with the entire city of Prato, the 150th anniversary of the Biscuit Company.

  • 2016
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    I quattro FRATELLI PANDOLFINI alla Cerimonia d'assegnazione del francolbollo dedicato al Biscottificio Mattei, 2016.

    A commemorative postage stamp
    September 29, the Mattei Biscuit Company received a prestigious recognition directly from the Ministry of Economic development: a commemorative postage stamp from the series "Excellence in the productive and Economic Italian Systems".

    26 December 2016, there was an additional recognition, the Santo Stefanino award
    "The tradition of the biscuits has become a part of the identity of the city of Prato and is characterized by handicraft and savoir faire, qualities which the Mattei Biscuit Company has maintained through time. The company's philosophy is founded on a passion for authenticity (...) With new and valued proposals, (...) company investments and agreements with other historical Tuscan brands, the Mattei Company has given life to an original commercial offer both with traditional and online methods. For these reasons, the Mattei Biscuit Company may be considered a perfect synthesis between tradition and innovation in Prato artisanship."

  • 2018
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    Opening of the Bottega Museum in Florence
    On the 160th anniversary of its establishment, Biscottificio Antonio Mattei opened its second home in the heart of Florence. In a completely renovated space; you can visit the archive of memorabilia and documents which are dedicated to telling the company's history and taste products from the Biscuit Factory.

  • 2019

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    Antonio Mattei Biscuit Factory | About Us | 
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    The return to Blu, the evolution of bags inspired by origins and tradition
    The original logo of 1881 is the base of the new official logo and the blue bag will from now on be the unique packaging for all the variants of the Prato biscuit flavors. Each flavor is differentiated by a small colored square on the front of the packaging and special descriptions on the back.

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    Recognition of BLU MATTEI
    The Patent and Trademark Office confers, on a European level, the registration of the SINGLE COLOR trademark for the color BLU of our unmistakable bag of biscuits, packaged in this color since the 1880s. Biscottificio Antonio Mattei in Prato is the second company in Italy to obtain this rare registration linked to a "single color". From now on, no other brand in the food industry can use Blu as a single color to package its products.