Take Us with You! We Make Great Travel Companions

Bring us along on your journeys, real or virtual, and tell us how you prefer to enjoy our products!

Take Us with You! We Make Great Travel Companions

A bit like Amélie did... several years ago, I embarked on the Portuguese Camino de Santiago with a friend (Vania, I hope you don’t mind me sharing our photo) carrying a small blue packet of Mattonella biscuits. I had fun taking photos throughout our trip and when we arrived... we ate them all!!

Take Us with You! We Make Great Travel Companions
Take Us with You! We Make Great Travel Companions

WE INVITE YOU to post/tag photos of the Blue Mattei packets from your holiday spots or tell us your favourite summer pairing with your favourite Mattei product.
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With the hot weather... our appetites fade and we tend to eat lighter and fresher foods. Sweets are often the first thing to be cut from the menu. So, how do we make a product like Prato biscuits, typically considered more suitable for winter months, enjoyable? The classic pairing suggests Vin Santo, so (as we might have suggested before) you can chill the bottle in the fridge and enjoy dunking them inside the ice-cold Vin Santo!

Take Us with You! We Make Great Travel Companions

Another very pleasant and refreshing option is with vanilla ice cream.
But I’d like to share a little secret I’ve personally tried: try putting our biscuits in the freezer for an hour or two! Maybe just before sitting down to eat. They become crunchy and pleasantly cold, a nice combination when served with Vin Santo at room temperature.
(NB for this option you need strong teeth!) 

This trick also works well for the candied cherry loaf cut into strips!

Now it's your turn to tell us your secrets for enjoying Mattonella biscuits in the summer or if you’ve invented a creative way to make our other products more enjoyable and refreshing on hot summer days.

Happy Holidays!! From all the staff at the Mattei Biscuit Factory and from me, of course.

Letizia Pandolfini

NB: Our shops will be closed from 8th to 28th August.
